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2025/26 Classes and Calendar

2 Days per Week
For ages 3-5 (potty trained, please!)
9 am - 12 pm. Snack included.
$370 per month. All fees due on the 1st of the month (Sep-Jun).

3 Days per Week (our most popular!)
For ages 3-5 (potty trained, please!)
9 am - 12 pm. Snack provided.
$550 per month. All fees due on the 1st of the month (Sep-Jun).

4 Days per Week
For ages 3-5 (potty trained, please!)
9 am - 12 pm. Snack provided.
$730 per month. All fees due on the 1st of the month (Sep-Jun).
10% Sibling Discount available.
5% Returning Student Discount available.
Scholarships available for all class options.
Please email for more information.

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